CONFERENCE TOKENOMICS (12-13th, December 2022):

Tokenomics, International Conference on Blockchain Economics, Security and Protocols is an international forum for theory, design, analysis, implementation and applications of blockchains and smart contracts. Original interdisciplinary works exploring the conjunction of economic concerns with distributed systems, networks and system security are particularly encouraged.

The goal of the conference is to bring economists together with computer science researchers and practitioners working on blockchains in a unique program featuring outstanding invited talks, selected academic presentations and work in progress presentations. Selected academic presentations will be published in the proceedings of the conference.

I am co-chairing with Yackolley Amoussou-Guenou the Economics Track of the conference. The program: TokenomicsPG.pdf


CONFERENCE "Big Data and Artificial Intelligence in Banking" (June 2019, La Banque Postale):


Jointly organized with C.Moussu (ESCP) and O.Havrylchyk (U.Paris 1)

The workshop aims to bring together scholars, industry leaders and regulators to have an open-minded discussion about our current state of knowledge about alternative finance. Researchers are increasingly using new forms of granular data to do an exciting research about alternative credit and equity markets, but many questions remain. Why are online finance providers emerging in the market? Will they make the financial system more democratic, responsible and fair? Will they lower the cost of financial intermediation? Or are they subject to the same agency problems as traditional intermediaries? What policies should the government adopt towards alternative finance sector? The workshop will provide a forum to discuss what data and research tools are needed to answer these questions.

Scientific Committees: Tokenomics (2023), II Regional Conference of Payments and
Financial Market Infrastructures, Colombia (2023).

Referee reports: Journal of Public Economic Theory, Information Economics and Policy,

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