• July 2024: 40th symposium on money, banking and finance, GDRE, University of Orleans: 'Regulation of Selection Markets'
  • March 2024: Risk Forum, Institut Louis Bachelier, Paris: 'Cybersecurity and Cloud Outsourcing of Payments'


  • December 2023: Conférence Monnaie Economie et Droit, Banque de France: 'Cybersecurity and Cloud Outsourcing of Payments'
  • November 2023: The Blockchain and Digital Assets Conference, HEC, keynote speech
  • November 2023: Comité Scientifique de l'ACPR 'Bank Platform Competition in the Credit Market'
  • May 2023: Symposium in Honor of Jean-Charles Rochet, Geneva 'Competing Digital Monies'
  • March 2023: 14th Digital Economics Conference, Telecom ParisTech 'Cybersecurity and Cloud Outsourcing of Payments'
  • March 2023: Risk Forum 'Competing Digital Monies'.


  • June 2022: Workshop Law and Economics and Industrial Organization (Université Paris 2): Articifial Intelligence and Money Laundering.
  • November 2022: Comité Scientifique de l'ACPR
  • October 2022: Seminar SciencesPo/Banque de France on Digital Currencies: Adopting Digital Currencies.
  • December 2022: Conférence AFSE sur l'évaluation des politiques publiques
  • December 2022: 35th Australasian Finance and Banking Conference. Digital Currencies and Bank Competition.


  • February 2021 (10th): Seminar SciencesPo/Banque de France: Digital Currencies and Bank Competition (online)
  • March 2021 (26th): Risk Forum, Institut Louis Bachelier: Bank-Platform Competition in the Credit Market (online)
  • April 2021 (28th): Chaire ACPR Seminar (online): Digital Currencies and Bank Competition (online)
  • May 2021, 2nd: IIOC Conference, Boston (online): Bank-Platform Competition in the Credit Market (online)
  • June 2021, Paris FinTech and Cryptofinance conference: Digital Currencies and Bank Competition (online)
  • October 2021 (20th), DC FinTech week (Georgetown university, Washingtown DC, online): Big Tech, Fintech and Anti-Trust (online)
  • October 2021 (22nd), Economics of Payments X Conference, Bank of Finland: Digital Currencies and Bank Competition (online)

PRESENTATIONS (2018-2020):

  • September 2018: NASSE Seminar at the Ministry of Economy - presentation by Marianne Verdier on competition issues in the banking and insurance sector. For more details, see below:

  • October 2018: presentation by Marianne Verdier at the conference on taxation and regulation in the digital economy, Bergen.
  • November 2018: presentation by Marianne Verdier at the FinTech conference organized by NEOMA School of Business, Paris.
  • November 2018: participation of Marianne Verdier to a panel discussion on a conference on innovation in banking organized by Oliver Wyman and France FinTech, Paris.
  • March 2019: launch of the research chair program on Digital Finance.
  • April 2019: presentation at the AFDIT conference on the blockchain, 'the economic impacts of cryptoassets regulations'.
  • May 2019: FinTech conference in Sophia Antipolis (SKEMA).
  • June 2019: Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Retail Banking, Paris
  • August 2019: EARIE conference, Barcelona
  • November 2020: Chair Governance and Regulation, University Paris Dauphine (online)
  • December 2020: The Economics of Digitization seminar, Telecom ParisTech (online)

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